Topic outline

  • Notes and materials

    The target group of this course are mathematics teacher students for all types of schools. In this course, participants acquire skills for the conception and design of digital math tasks and automatic feedback, as is possible with the software developed in the project.

    The course can also be downloaded here and installed on a Moodle server from version 4.4 with the plugin STACK from version 4.5.

    The creation of these resources has been (partially) funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant No. 2021-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000032031. Neither the European Commission nor the project's national funding agency DAAD are responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources.

  • Organisation and initial activities

    You will receive information about

    • aims
    • requirements
    • and organisation

    of the seminar.

    Außerdem probieren Sie
    erste digitale Aufgaben mit automatischem Feedback aus und schätzen deren fach- und mediendidaktische Qualität ein.
    • Quiz icon

      Work through these tasks, each task several times:

      • Enter the correct answers.
      • Also enter obvious wrong answers.

      Please give us feedback afterwards.


    As with the preparation of material when planning a lesson
    the following considerations need to be taken into account when designing digital material:

    • Subject analysis:

      You have decided on a topic.
      But what aspects of knowledge and skills does this topic cover?

    • Didactic analysis

      Research: How can learners grasp the topic?
      What misconceptions might they develop?

    • Task analysis

      How should the task, how should the feedback be formulated and designed
      so that it is understandable and promotes learning?

  • Subject analysis

    • Quiz icon

      Work through these tasks.
      The feedback is not important here.

      Think about each task:

      • What is the mathematical topic in each case?
      • Which requirement becomes clear in each case?
  • Didactic analysis

    • Quiz icon

      Work through these tasks.

      • Find all the errors for which there is your own feedback.
        Which errors do you not see included?
      • How does the feedback react to the errors?
        (How) would you do it differently?
  • Task analysis

    • Quiz icon

      This quiz contains the same task three times:

      Proceed as follows:

      1. Before you start:
        In addition to a correct answer, think of two incorrect answers
        that can typically be given.

      2. Then start the digital tasks
        and enter your correct and incorrect answers.
        And compare how feedback is given in each case.

    • In this seminar phase, you will develop your task ideas into concepts
      which will serve as a template for programming.

    • You will receive a structured form for this template in due course.

    • In between, analyse some tasks again.
      Then analyse according to criteria that you should be familiar with by now.

    • Quiz icon

      Trabaje a través de estas tareas,
      y haga cada tarea varias veces:

      • Enter the correct answers.
      • Also enter obvious wrong answers.

      Please give us feedback afterwards.

    • File icon

    • In this seminar phase you will present your task concept for discussion in plenary.

    • What should such a "workshop report" look like?

      1. Plan for 5 minutes of presentation
        followed by 10 minutes of discussion.

      2. Prepare a maximum of 3 slides:
        (a) Your topic outlined in keywords
        (b) Brief presentation of the possible tasks
        (c) Your considerations that you would like to see discussed in the plenary for your decision in favour of one of the tasks.

    • Your considerations, which you would like to see discussed in the plenary for your decision in favour of one of the tasks,
      as soon as you have presented your work for discussion,
      revise your concept if necessary
      and arrange for the programming.

    • Then try out the task with learners of your choice.


    In this phase, you report on
    how learners deal with your tasks.

    Possible evaluation assignments:

    • Do the test subjects work with your task
      as you expected?

    • What answers are given?
      Are they the expected ones, are they others?

    • How do you explain these answers
      (correct and incorrect)?

    • Evaluate your task, namely
      • with regard to cognitive demand
        (passt die Aufgabe zum Lernziel, ist sie zu schwer, zu leicht, ...?),
      • its digital-media claim
        (are texts, images, interactive elements, feedback,... effective for learning?)
      • other destinations, if applicable.

    • What recommendations would you give
      for the conception of similar tasks?

    • Folder icon
      • Create a URL to your digital portfolio and enter your name.
      • Or upload a PDF of your portfolio, again specifying your name in the file name.